Indexing must be easy enough for users of differing computer skills to use every day to index various documents. From a user perspective, indexing has to take place in as few steps as possible. For example, key in one field and hit the tab key. The other index fields are automatically populated. Then hit scan and verify that the scanned image matches the data on the screen. Then hit save. In just a few seconds, the user can scan and index a stack of documents.

One of the ways to improve One of the ways to improve indexing operations in all the above cases is to utilize known data. In other words, a lookup. For example, if you know a person's social security number, you can access a database where you can retrieve their name. This gives you more data about the document than you started with, ensures accuracy by checking against a live database and reduces the number of barcodes required on a document or reduces the number of fields a user has to key in. GoScan provides sophisticated lookup capability that gives the IT professional the tools to ensure accuracy but makes it fast and easy for users to do their jobs..